Category:Metalurgy -> Metalurgy -> Foundries Country:Poland Featured companiesREMIX S.A. [english] [german]
REMIX S.A. is a private Polish company, established in 1990. Since formation in 1990 the company’s major scope of business has been manufacturing of heat treatment equipment as well as overhauls thereof and making spare parts. Currently we offer a broad range of heat treatment and thermo-chemical treatment equipment as well as non-ferrous metal melting furnaces with complete outfit (control cabinets, gas cabinets etc.).
Manufacturing programme:
1. Chamber, muffle and pit electrical furnaces with[...]
Koneckie Zakłady Odlewnicze S.A.
KZO SA have well grounded traditions and experience in grey iron casting. Our company produces about 400 cast iron sewage products.
Product types, mainly:
- socket tubes and fittings
- non-socket tubes and fittings produ¬ced in accordance with PN-EN 877 standard (systems DKI)
- sewer manholes class A, B,C and D produced in accordance with PN-EN 124 standard
- sewer steps
- street boxes for water and gas installations
- street and bridge sewage inlets
30% of them are exported.
The company[...]
IPD Consulting Sp. z o. o.
We act as representatives of the following companies on the Polish market:
1. PanTrac GmbH - a world leader in the manufacturing of carbon brushes
2. Makin Metal Powders Ltd. - a leading producer of non-ferrous metal powders
3. We also represent Ecka Granulate Velden GmbH in the area of electrolytic copper powder.
We operate in a number of industries and the list of our customers includes several hundred enterprises both in Poland and abroad. Our activity on the market has been acknowledged[...]