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Azonprinter d.o.o more

Country: Croatia
Region: Croatia
City: Zagreb
Street: Matije Jandrića 20
Phone: +385 1 4618003
Fax: +385 1 4618004
Firm Rank: 0
Local Croatian company established in Zagreb, Croatia, 1993. International company Azonprinter d.o.o. established in Zagreb, Croatia, 2006. Headquarters: Matije Jandrica 20, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Wearhouse, Zagreb Freezone, Jankomir Total employees; 22 Croatia, 4 Korea 1991.-2001. Distributon of World famous signmaking products; RolandDG, Encad, Mutoh, Sihl, and others 2001.-2003. Preparing new facility for production of Azon brand in Croatia 2003. development of Azon Micro 2000 (substrate[...]