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Category:Telecommunications -> Telecommunication eqpt

Country:United Kingdom

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Euro Communications Distribution Ltd. more

Country: United Kingdom
Region: United Kingdom
City: Wolverhampton
Street: Waddens Brook Lane
Phone: +44 1902 722388
Fax: +44 1902 739609
Firm Rank: 0
Hello Sir/ Madam, I am Monty from ECD Ltd. in UK. We are one of the biggest wholesalers and traders of mobile phones, parts, accessories, bluetooths, car-kits, top-up vouchers, Sat Navs, Data Cards, USB Modems, Portable Speakers, Photo Printers, Digital Photo Frames, Sim Cards etc. etc. in UK. Please email me your details or contact me at +44 7886 911981, if you are interested to start a trading relationship with us. Thanks. Regards Monty Saggu ECD Ltd. Tel: 0044-1902872722 Mob: 0044-[...]