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Category:Chemicals & Plastics


Featured companies

Errikeson Power Marketing West Africa Limited more

Country: Ghana
Region: Ghana
City: Lome
Street: 20 Rue de Jean paul,Lome-Togo.
Phone: +228 925 7039
Fax: +228 226 0130
Firm Rank: 0
ERRIKESON POWER MARKETING WEST AFRICA LTD.,was founded and registered in 2001 with 5 branches in Togo and other branches in other Africa countries, a unique company,we import/ buys variety of cosmetics, products, foodstuff,Beverages,Agricultural products,,electronics jewellerys, watches,telecommunications etc. We are looking forward for a standard manufacturer/exporter or supplier to contact us for business.We also deal on contract supply and distributions.We has big markets in our region and[...]

Mazal Metals Ltd more

Country: Ghana
Region: Ghana
City: Accra
Street: Eastern region
Phone: +233 23 231638007
Firm Rank: 0
Dear sir We are legitimate small scale gold miners located in Eastern region of Asene Village. We Source for prospective Gold buyers, partners and individuals for the sales of our Gold dust/bar/nugget as well as establishing more business relationship that will be durable and viable. Find bellow the specification of our AU Gold Dust: PRODUCT.........GOLD BARS/DUST QUANTITY....... 100 KG PLUS PURITY..........92%+ {Non-refined} QUALITY.........23+ Karat. PRICE...........40,000 USD ORIGIN..........Ghana. Contact[...]

Siaka Family Co. more

Country: Ghana
Region: Ghana
City: Accra
Street: Budumbura Market Street
Phone: +233 21 7101159
Fax: +233 21 7101159
Firm Rank: 0
We are looking for an investment partnership opportunity outside Ghana or Africa possibly, we will like to enter investment partnership with a foreign company or individual that deals on agricultural products, machinery, beverages, toys and many more, the investment partner will benefit 30% from all investment projects in their country.[...]