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Szkółki drzew i krzewów Jankowski & syn

[Poland]Apple trees

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Apple trees

M-26 Ambassy, Red Boskoop, Cortland Wicki, Jonagold Decosta, Delicates, Gala Must, Geneva Early, Golden Del Reinders, Jonagored, Ligol, Lobo,Jonagored Morens, Rubinstar, Jonagored Supra
M-7 Ambassy, Eliza, Idared, Najdared, Piros , Szampion Reno, Topaz
M-9 Ambassy, Jonagold Decosta, Gala Must, Gala Schnitzera Schniga, Gloster, Golden Del. Reinders, Fuji KIKU 8, Ligol, Morens, Mutsu, Piros, Red Boskoop, Rubinstar, Jonagored Supra
P-60 Ligol
P-59 Bohemia, Golden Del Reinders, Rubin
P-14 Ambassy, Ligol, Piros
P-22 Alwa, Mutsu
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Related products: Agriculture & Gardening ->Gardening, horticulture -> Seedlings


Szkółki drzew i krzewów Jankowski & syn

Street:Trakt Kamiński 25a
Postal code:09-530
Phone: +48 24 2771259
Fax: +48 24 2771259

Contact person

Name and Surname: Bartosz Jankowski
Phone: +48 24 2771259
Mobile: +48 508355722
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