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* Standard profile


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EM-eco public relations company


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It is necessary to manage the critical situations in order maintain organisational stability and reliability in the eyes of the public. We prepare prevention programmes enabling to reduce the risk of occurrence of crisis and operational procedures in the event of a crisis. Ability to resolve the critical situations requires a deep understanding of their effect on the public, effective co-operation with the media and efficient flow of information outside and inside the company.

* Developing operational strategy in critical situations for a given company and internal environments
* Preparation for communicating n critical situations with the internal and external audience of the company (among other things through media training)
* Developing and implementing crisis books
* Plan of activities including the scope of responsibility in consideration of the structure of a given company
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Related products: Business services ->Consulting


EM-eco public relations company

Street:Skrytka pocztowa 13
City:Warszawa 130
Postal code:02-771
Phone: +48 533 969669

Contact person

Name and Surname: Sławomir Pawlak
Phone: +48 22 3730015
Mobile: +48 533969669
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