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Young Tel-Com Co., Ltd


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The frequency is 800-2500MHz,For most mobile system; isolation:High; Low insertion loss; Low VSWR;
Used in the Indoor Covering System for most wireless telecommunication system; Such as GSM900,CDMA800,GSM1800,CDMA1900, CDMA2000, PHS, WLAN2400, 3Gand so on.
Our products have: splitter,coupler,3db hybrid,indoor antenna,outdoor antenna,filter,diplexer,combiner
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Related products: Telecommunications ->Others


Young Tel-Com Co., Ltd

Street:Jinlong Road, Yubei District, Chonqing, China
Postal code:401147
Phone: +86 23 67631293
Fax: +86 23 86826627

Contact person

Name and Surname: Yang Hua
Phone: +86 23 67631293
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