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Viadi Ltd.

[Russian Federation]Textured soy protein

«Opttema» M-03 — a product of extrusion of defatted soy flour, having porous structure, which allows to tie together and to keep huge volume of moisture. During the hydration it takes the structure, which is similar with pieces of forcemeat. «Opttema» M-03 gives succulent, elastic consistence to the end product. External view and cutting of the product are improved. It is used as bulking agent (filler) and partially substitution for meat raw in the production of rough milled meat products and[...]


[Russian Federation]Concentrate of textured soy protein

«Opttema» S-300 — a product of extrusion of defatted soy flour, in the form of flat flakes, having porous structure. During the hydration it takes the structure, which is similar with pieces of forcemeat. «Opttema» S-300 gives succulent, elastic consistence to the end product . External view and cutting of the product are improved. It is used for improving the structure of meat and fish products, decrease the content of fat, as bulking agent (filler) and partially substitution for meat and[...]


[Russian Federation]Textured soy protein

Fins is a vegetable analog of animal's meat. It has sponge surface, fibred structure, which allows to keep huge volume of moisture. Due to this fact, textured soy protein, being in the structure of forcemeat, takes up into itself meat juice, which escapes during the process of cooking. The product becomes more tasty and there is sharp decrease of losses during thermal processing. Because of it, biological and food value are increased, external view and cutting of the product are improved. It[...]


[Russian Federation]Textured soy protein

«Opttema» C-200 — a product of extrusion of defatted soy flour, having porous structure, which allows to tie together and keep huge volume of moisture. During the hydration it takes the structure, which is similar with pieces of meat. It is used as partially substitution for meat raw in the production of meat and meat-vegetable tinned food. Recommended application norm: 15-25% (in the hydrated form). Structure: vegetable protein Analysis of product: Taste and smell....typical for[...]


[Russian Federation]Textured soy protein

«Opttema» V-01 — a product of extrusion of defatted soy flour, having porous structure. During the hydration it takes the structure, which is similar with pieces of forcemeat. «Opttema» V-01 gives succulent, elastic consistence to the end product. External view and cutting of the product are improved. The color of forcemeat and «Opttema» V-01 in one mass is the same. It is used for improving the structure of meat and fish products in the production of rough milled meat products and half-finished[...]
