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Art-Wood Łańcuckie Parkiety

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1980


Paper & Wood

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Firm Rank: 0

Since its creation over 20 years ago The ArtWood Company availed itself of immense practical experience of Mr Wacław Mac, who has gained it while working for PP Monument Conservator’s Workshops.

While cultivating old, traditional technologies he permanently seeks new solutions to cut costs of manufacturing hardwood parquet and increase its endurance.

After years of research we developed Łańcut Parquet which stands out estetic look, expert craftsmanship fitting and unlimited number of design variations at very competitive price.

We manufacture and fit:
Classical parquets
Two-layer parquets
Solid and two-layer slab intarsed parquets
Palace mozaics
Handmade ornament parquet (borders, roses)
Free advice on individual parquet projects.

We meet our clients requirements for unique, individual parquet projects with free advice.

Our design studio, where renowned artists and architects work, prepairs professional projects for floor and interior design.

Wood for our parquets
We can provide any kind of wood requested for the parquet, including european, african, asian and american fine timber.

Our parquets are manufactured from 20 mm to 40 mm in thickness up to the clients’ requests.
We use only the highest quality timber and verified manufacturing technologies.

For parquets manufactured and fitted by our company we give 2 years quarantee.

Exclusive represenatives in UK:
Darek Mac - 07704636351

Our accomplished projects
Castle in Krasiczyn
Russian Embassy in Tallin
Bishop’s Palace in Koszyce
Pokutyński Palace in Cracow
Notary Chamber in Rzeszów
Intarsy Art Museum in Łódź

Address data

Street:Głuchów 177a
Postal code:37-100
Phone: +48 017 2250085
Fax: +48 017 2250085


Contact person

Name and Surname: Wacław Mac
Phone: +48 017 2250085
Mobile: +48 0695703255
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