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Grossfield Limited

Business type: Trading Company
Business type: Exporter,
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Euro 1.000.000 – 5.000.000
Established year: 2001

Children items

Sport & Entertainment

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Firm Rank: 0

We are GROSSFIELD LIMITED, one of the largest distributor / supplier of LEGO Toys in UK. We have our store in US while our Head Office in UK. We sells LEGO Toys at reasonable and conducive prices and we deliver items with satisfaction in order to establish long term business relationship with our customers.

Address data

Street:190, North Howard Road
Postal code:21201
Country:United States
Phone: +1 301 6753421


Contact person

Name and Surname: McWalter Crouch
Phone: +44 703 5933272
Mobile: +44 7035933272
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