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Huishang Group Anhui Newenergy Co.,Ltd

[China]Sodium Bicarbonate

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Item The National Standard
The Total Alkalinity
Content(NaHCO3)% : 99.0—100.5
Loss on Dring% : 0.20 MAX
PH Value(10g/1) Solution : 8.6 MAX
Arsentic Content% : 0.0001 MAX
Heavy Metal Content% : 0.0005 MAX
Ammonium Salt: pass
Clearness : pass

We have been dealing Sodium Bicarbonate on large quantity for many years and can assure you of stable and competitive supply.

Your early reply will be highly appreciated and your inquiries are welcome.
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Price:Ask for price


Related products: Chemicals & Plastics ->Chemical products -> Industrial chemistry


Huishang Group Anhui Newenergy Co.,Ltd

Street:NO.258,Wuhu Road
Postal code:230001
Phone: +86 551 2863359
Fax: +86 551 2863371

Contact person

Name and Surname: zhuzhou zhuzhou
Phone: +86 551 2863359
Mobile: +86 13309690799
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