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Ronsein Printing Plates Ltd.

[China]CTP Plate

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Thickness: 0.15-0.30mm
Spectral Sensitivity: 830nm
Exposure Energy: 130-150 mj/cm2
Resolution: 1%-99% at 250lpi
FM Capability: 20um
Run Length: 100,000(Actual run length may vary according to press, ink and paper condition.)
Recommend Developer: Ronsein developer or Kodak developer
Protection Gum: Recommended to use 140G protection gum
Developing Temperature: 22-24 degree Celsius
Developing Time: 25-35s
Replenishment Rate: 100ml/sqm
Baking Preparation: Applied any suitable plate baking gum
Baking Temperature: Stand Oven: 220-230 degree Celsius for 5 minutes; Online Oven: 240 degree Celsius for 4 minutes
Run Length after Baking: 500,000
Safe Light: Daylight handling
Shelf Life: 12 months under recommended storage conditions (10-30 degree Celsius, relative humidity: 40%-70%, stacking height less than 1.5 meters)
Package: Available in all standard formats including bulk
Packaging options:0.15mm - 100 sheets per carton; 0.30mm - 50 sheets per carton
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Additional information:

Place of origin:China
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Printing & Publishing ->Printing -> Printing materials


Ronsein Printing Plates Ltd.

Street:No. 290 Eastriver Ave, 18-403
Postal code:200120
Phone: +86 21 51695135
Fax: +86 21 51901480

Contact person

Name and Surname: Rong Xue
Phone: +86 21 51695135
Mobile: +86 13764369164
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