Business type: |
Services |
Business type: |
Importer, |
Number of employees: |
< 5 |
Annual sales value: |
Euro < 500.000 |
Established year: |
2010 |
Categories: |
Business services |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
Glocal Partner is efficient and dynamic developing company which finds business opportunities for its demanding customers from all lines of business.
Our goal is to cooperate and build our customer's success. Their success is a measure of our success and their good is our aim. We achieve that by international representing our customers and providing flexible flow of information and goods.
Business relations establishing' easiness combined with high quality project management creates field to meet and manage all customers expectations.
We offer:
- clothes manufacturing (sewing/production) in India
- leather products from India (bags, wallets, belt etc)
- fabrics from India
- jeweler production in India
Address data
Street: | Łódzka |
City: | Łódź |
Postal code: | 91-342 |
Region: | Lodz |
Country: | Poland |
Phone: | +48 502084836 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Jola Stankiewicz |
Mobile: | +48 50284836 |