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People Counter.

Business type: Other
Business type: Exporter,
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2005

Computer Hardware & Software

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Firm Rank: 0

VEMCOUNT provides professional solutions to measure people traffic In-Store on an accurate and continuous basis. The data from vemcount can be integrated with other data sources to improve understanding of the shoppers in the store.

VEMCOUNT people counting solutions, provide detailed information about:

How many people have visited the store
At what time during the day
What areas in the store are the most visited and when
Duration of a shopping tri
VEMCOUNT Analytics
Combined with sales data and information about staff planning, VEMCOUNT can provide analysis about:

Sales effectiveness
Staff planning
Increase sales by understanding and improve conversion rates (how many people in total or per category are converted into actual buyers)
Improve store layout based on actual number of people in each store part location
Staff planning to ensure you have the right number of staff at the right time, in the right place to serve the shoppers in the store.
Optimizing In-store activities based on actual traffic flow
Value the store as a marketing media compared to other media like television, internet and newspapers
Tracking and benchmarking effectiveness of sales and campaigns to understand performance relative to other stores or chains.
People Counter, Customer Counter, People Counting Solutions Are Offered By Vemcount Based In Herlev. To Measure Customer Traffic In Store Call +45 76221146.

Address data

Street:VEMCO GROUP ApS, Hørkær 14A, DK-2730, Herlev.
Postal code:2730
Phone: +45 7102 76221146


Contact person

Name and Surname: People Counter
Phone: +45 7102 76221146
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