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* Standard profile


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WAMMA Sp z o.o.

[Poland]Pigs fetter

Pigs fetter for automatic remove • galvanized steel Load capacity Weight Track 300 kg 2 kg 60,3[...]


[Poland]Sliding hook EURO

• console – hot galvanized steel • hook – stainless steel • accessible for track 60,3 and 48,3 Load capacity Weight Track 250 kg 1,35 kg 60,3 250 kg 1,25 kg 48,3[...]


[Poland]Processing lines

After processes of slaughter animals storage, stunning, bleeding, scalding, dehairing and cleaning pieces go to clean part of slaughterhouse. WAMMA with platforms and gutters sets and conveyors secures the capacity increase keeping safety and environment protection.[...]


[Poland]Vertical and horizontal conveyors

The perfect transport system is one of conditions of unfailing production process. WAMMA deliver many systems of undersling conveyors.[...]


[Poland]Rail systems

Fast precooling The modern meat companies are equipped with fast precooling systems to reduce the carcasses temperature and avoid the weight loss. Wamma deliveries a big choice of conveyor systems for these purposes. СThe modernest Wamma’s solution in this subject is multipoint drive system, which assure the best chain load. advantages - chain work without any inequalities - minimal chain load in every conditions - longer chain durability - high reliability in low temperatures -[...]
