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Language: deutsch english

* Standard profile

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*This company has only Standard profile.
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Business type: Services
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 2008

Computer Hardware & Software

Business services

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Firm Rank: 0

EU Web Design & Development Company

Web design and development of:
Online shops
Company websites
Corporate websites
Portal systems, Blogs
Real estates websites
Presentation and Personal websites
Custom design websites

Website support:
Support, maintenance, redesign and update of website, including or not monthly subscription.

Web logo and graphic design:
Design of web logos, banners and other graphic design.

Other web services:
Online reputation management
Enabling internet presence of small, medium and large enterprises
Using of the latest web technology, including direct online payments and shopping carts
Search engine optimization (SEO)
Domain name registration
Web hosting
Social network presents: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, Youtube, Myspace, etc..

Address data

Street:2 Kap. Raycho Str.
Postal code:4000
Phone: +359 893 609108


Contact person

Name and Surname: Ilcho Vuchkov
Mobile: +359 893609108
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