MARTER-NTG is a company which develops very rapidly in a wide heating sector. A high quality devices and services are guaranteed by means of our good experience, engineer stuff as well as modern technological background. Our Polish and European cooperation ensure constant development which provides the best solutioins for our customers.
Our company offers a wide range of water as well as hot air heating devices from 20kW to 7000kW power. They burn harvest straw, oilseed rape, pellet, lump wood, cortex, wood chips, fruit seeds, lignite and coal. Our biomass devices will let you lower the cost of energy production in a significant way.
The offer contains the traditional heating devices such as water boilers and hot air generators. The boilers could heat workshops, production plants and houses. Agriculture sector as well as animals production representatives will find a wide range of generators for harvest drying rooms, poultry farms, pigsties and greenhouses. The offer also includes water containers, electric scales and automated technology for feed mixing.
We offer a wide range of services connected with advice, designing, boilers installations and heating installations. The installations which our firm performerd can be base on a traditional radiator systems, floor heating systems, also water heaters and air generators. Our offer concerns also designing, realization and automatic installation of fuel storage.
On offer you will find:
- boiler with feeder for coal EK-OLO 20-75kW
- boiler with feeder for pellet EK-OLO P 20-75 kW
- boiler with feeder for straw Termo-BIO z owalną komorą 40-1100kW
- boiler KW-GR coal hopper 17-460kW