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Vacat Technika - Przedsiebiorstwo Technik Inzynierskich

[Poland]Hand washing stand EM-1200

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These devices, operating in closed circuit, designed for hand washing, using hydrocarbon preparations. We recommended washing and degreasing formulation is a liquid, "Uni-Vac."
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Additional information:

Place of origin:Kielce
Brand:Vacat Technika
Price:5490 PLN
Price Terms:netto
Delivery time:2 days
Minimum order:1
Quality/Certifications:SANEPID, PIP


Related products: Machines & Tools ->Machinery for auto industry


Vacat Technika - Przedsiebiorstwo Technik Inzynierskich

Street:Dąbrowa 351A
Postal code:26-001
Phone: +48 41 3623085
Fax: +48 41 3625805

Contact person

Name and Surname: Marek Grzesiński
Phone: +48 41 3623085
Mobile: +48 667455555
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