Exchange rates: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [more...]
Language: deutsch english

* Standard profile


*This company has only Standard profile.
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Footwear of our firm is the highest quality. We co-operate with designers with Italia, France as well as NY. Footwear our be executed in 100% from natural skin. Centre is made from natural skin also. Bottoms be executed from tunit. Our markets of sale then Polisch , Germany, Rosia, Czech Republic as well as USA. Interested with co-operation we invite to our office.[...]



Punita Footwear of our firm is the highest quality. We co-operate with designers with Italia, France as well as NY. Footwear our be executed in 100% from natural skin. Centre is made from natural skin also. Bottoms be executed from tunit. Our markets of sale then Polisch , Germany, Rosia, Czech Republic as well as USA. Interested with co-operation we invite to our office.[...]
