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JANO Zakład Przetwórstwa Mięsnego

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 101 - 500
Annual sales value: Euro 10.000.000 – 50.000.000
Established year: 1978

Food & Beverages

Hotels Restaurants Catering

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Firm Rank: 0

Zakłady Przetwórstwa Mięsnego “JANO” (JANO Meat Processsing Works) have been enri-ching the market with their products since 1978. During all this time the growing circle of our customers has been enjoying the original and reproducible taste of our products. Old recipes, being the secret of the manufacturer, although carried into effect in the modern Works did not loose their high quality and the proof for that are the products manufactured on their basis. The Works has been a family business with traditions in the meat line for several generations. Situated in the Silesian region we cultivate the regional traditions in assortments and tastes specific for this region. The products launched into the market are manufactured under strict regulations of HACCP and ISO 9001:2000. The business, or better to say, the products being continuously verified by consumers force the business to care incessantly for maintaining the high quality of the products all the time. The motto: ‘They taste as before’ is adequate for them in full extent.

Awarded in 1998 with the Promotional Emblem ‘NOW POLAND’ (“TERAZ POLSKA”) for the group of dry and semi-dry pork meat products, we are doing our best to keep up with the best. We treat our contracting partners with due respect and seriousness to ensure satisfactory and successful trade relations for both sides.

Join us for a co-operation.

Address data

Street:Pyskowicka 16/18
Postal code:41-807
Phone: +48 32 3733100
Fax: +48 32 3733131


Contact person

Name and Surname: Aleksandra Widzyk
Phone: +48 32 3733110
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