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Aves Sp. z o.o.

[Poland]Hamburger 100

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Minced chicken meat, formed, fried. Fit for a 100 mm roll.
Weight: 62g
Sales unit- plastic bag: 1500g
Package carton: 6 x 1500g =9 kg
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Additional information:

Price:Ask for price


Related products: Food & Beverages ->Meat and poultry -> Poultry


Aves Sp. z o.o.

Street:Gajewniki 16
City:Zduńska Wola
Postal code:98-200
Region:Lower Silesia
Phone: +48 43 8233774
Fax: +48 43 8248910

Contact person

Name and Surname: Renata Kubik
Phone: +48 43 8233774
Mobile: +48 605768912
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