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[India]Moringa oleifera powder & capsules, Drumstick seed oil, Moringa Se

MORINGA oleifera POWDER & CAPSULES It can rebuild weak bones, enrich anemic blood and enable a malnourished mother to nurse her starving baby. ounce for ounce it has calcium of 4 glasses of milk, the Vitamin C of 7 oranges, and the potassium of 3 bananas. Doctors use it to treat diabetes in West Africa and high blood pressure in India. Moringa is reported to contain properties which help rheumatism, arthritis and other joint afflictions as well as being cardiac and circulatory stimulants.[...]


[India]Moringa Oleifera Seeds, PKM Moinga Seeds For Cultivation/ Oil

Moringa Oleifera Seeds, PKM1, Pkm2 And Other Moinga Seeds For Cultivation / Oil/ Food/ Pharma uses. PKM1 and PKM2 Moringa Seeds-guaranteed germination. Sanjeevani Herbals is a reputed exporters of Moringa products, medicinal plants and seeds. Being located in the largest Moringa cultivating zone, the company is the exporters for moringa products and medicinal seeds to the agricultural, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries, for over a decade. Our MORINGA PRODUCTS: --------------------Fresh[...]


[India]Amla Supplements: Natural Vitamin C, Antiaging, Antidiabetic, Immune..

Emblica officinalis, Indian Gooseberry, Nellikai. Nillika We are Bulk Exporters of Amla Dried Fruits, Amla dried fruit Powder, Amla Extract, Amla Capsule and Amla Oil from India. Amla Supplements: Natural Vitamin C, Antiaging, Antidiabetic, Immune Enhancer: We are Bulk Exporters of Amla Dried Fruits, Amla dried fruit Powder, Amla Extract, Amla Capsule and Amla Oil from India. We are Amla suppliers to some leading traders, distributors and manufacturers worldwide. Amla fruits are collected from[...]


[India]Tonic for Woman,Sex Stimulant Enhancer FEMALE HERBAL APHRODISIAC

ASPARAGUS RACEMOSUS. Queen of Herbs SHATAVARI. Supports and Strenghtens the female reproductive functions. Phyto-estrogens hormones normalize estrogen levels. Excellent sex Stimulant, Libido Enhancer For women. ASPARAGUS RACEMOSUS: Shatawari means ‚who possesses a hundred husbands. It is considered both a general tonic and a female reproductive tonic. Shatawari is the main Ayurvedic rejuvenative tonic for the female, as is Withania for the male. Shatawari is however, used for sexual debility[...]
