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Language: deutsch english

* Standard profile

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Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Importer,
Number of employees: 11 - 50
Annual sales value: Euro < 500.000
Established year: 1999

Food & Beverages

Firm Rank: 0

.I want to introduce our
company.We are private company specialized in producing fruit and vegatables
canns, vegetable delicacy, james and preserves, pickled exotic and wild
mushrooms, dried mushrooms.
Our production has a good reputation in the USA, Canada,Israel, Russia,
Germany.Our company has registered assortiments in FDA in the USA.We have
registration of organic products:james ,preserve ,wild mushrooms.The
company's in Plovdiv the second by size city in Bulgaria, in the middle of
the Trakia's valley where are produced a lot of high quality fruits and

Address data

Street:International Fair city Hall-4
Postal code:4003 pb73
Phone: +359 32 902840
Fax: +359 32 903508


Contact person

Name and Surname: Georgi Pasaklev
Phone: +359 32 902840
Mobile: +359 889000879