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Harbin DongSheng Metal Co., Ltd.

[China]Fast Melt Silicon

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Performance & Purpose
The product is used in casthouses world-wide for the manufacture or high quality aluminium alloy in application such as rolling ingot for foilstock or canstock, or billet for precision extrusions and high quality foundry cast alloys. It substitutes for Al-Si master alloy to add Silicon element to adjust precise composition of alloy melts.
The product contains 95% Silicon, and can be put into aluminium melts directly. Its characteristics are fast melting, convenience, and high recovery (over 90%).

Usage temperature: above 740℃
Usage quantity:
The adding quantity = (expected content – original content)×melt weight / recovery×content of Fast-Melt Silicon
Remark: the recovery and adding quantity is subject to final assay for different metallurgy condition
Method of addition:
1.Assaying Silicon content of original aluminium melt
2.Accounting the quantity of addition
3.Being put into the melt dispersedly after dross on the surface is moved away while the temperature is above 740℃. (don’t stir now)
4.Keeping it for 15-20 minutes
5.Stirring for about 5 minutes
6.Keeping it for 15-20 minutes again
7.Assaying final content of alloy melt
Remark: It should be put into melt in batches if the quantity of addition exceeds 3% of melt weight.

Packing & Storage
10kg/bag. It should be stored in a dry area.
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Additional information:

Place of origin:China
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Metalurgy ->Ironworks products -> Non-ferrous metal products


Harbin DongSheng Metal Co., Ltd.

Street:D Area, 21 Floor, Yinheng Plaza, 347 Tongda Street, Harbin 150076, China
Postal code:150076
Phone: +86 451 84504713
Fax: +86 451 84500228

Contact person

Name and Surname: Thomson Wong
Phone: +86 451 84548345
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