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Shanghai MIO Chemical CO., ltd

[China]Sell Acetochlor 95%TC, 900 g/l EC, 840 g/l EC, 500 g/l EC, 480 g/l EW

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This product Acetochlor is a selective preemergence herbicide.
This product can be used on crop fields such as Soybean, Maize, Peanut, Cotton, Sunflower, rape orchard on some crop families such as pulse; Mustard; Eggplant; Composite; Carrot and various vegtables.

We can produce 20,000 Metric tons of this product annually.We also can supply all kinds of formulation.
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Additional information:

Price:Ask for price
Packing:200 kg/drum, 20L/drum


Related products: Agriculture & Gardening ->Fertilizers and pesticides


Shanghai MIO Chemical CO., ltd

Street:16 Floor NO.2 Jiefang Building, No. 4855 Dushi Road,
Postal code:201100
Phone: +86 21 64401188
Fax: +86 21 54437726

Contact person

Name and Surname: Christina Chen
Phone: +86 21 64401188ext619
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