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Bannerbio Nutraceuticals INC.

[China]Griffonia Seed Extract

The therapeutic potential of griffonia seed extract is quite broad, it is used primarily as dietary supplement worldwide. 5-HTP is a useful tool for examining serotonergic function in the neuroendocrine system[3]. the studies show that 5-HTP has been shown to be effective in treating a wide variety of conditions, including depression, fibromyalgia, insomnia, binge eating associated with obesity, chronic headaches. (Altern Med Rev 1998;3(4):271-280)[...]


[China]Ginseng Root (leaf) Extract

The suggested mode of action of Radix Ginseng is twofold. First, the drug has an "adaptogenic" effect, which produces a non-specific increase in the body's own defences against exogenous stress factors and noxious chemicals. Secondly, the drug promotes an overall improvement in physical and mental performance.[...]


[China]Milk Thistle Extract

The dried fruit of milk thistle contain a flavonoid complex known as silymarin. This constituent is responsible for the medical benefits of the plant. Silymarin is made up of three parts: silibinin, silidianin, and silicristin. Silibinin is the most active and is largely responsible for the benefits attributed to silymarin.Milk thistle extract may protect the cells of the liver by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping remove these toxins from the liver cells.[...]


[China]Rhodiola Rosea Extract

Rhodiola contains a number of potentially active compounds, including phenylpropanoids (rosavin, rosin, rosarin),; phenylethanol derivatives (salidroside [also known as rhodioloside], tyrosol); flavonoids (rodiolin, rodionin, rodiosin, acetylrodalgin, tricin); monoterpenes (rosiridol, rosaridin); triterpenes (daucosterol, beta-sitosterol); and phenolic acids (chlorogenic, hydroxycinnamic, and gallic acids). The presence of rosavin distinguishes the species R. rosea from other rhodiolas, and many[...]


[China]Grape seed extract

Grape seed extract, concentrated from the seeds of grape (Vitis vinifera L.), has a high content of compounds known as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPCs), which are made up of proanthocyanidin monomers. In grape seed extract there are basically two proanthocyanidin monomers called catechin and epicatechin. Each of them binds at either the alpha or beta position on their molecular structures to form oligomers or polymers. In addition, catechin and epicatechin can also form numerous esters from gallic[...]
