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Zhejiang WTT Healthcare Equipment Co.,Ltd

[China]Massage chair

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A17B massage chair
This product is designed with a four-wheel driven muted massage mechanism which can move up and down in the backrest. It is programmed to act pressing、kneading、tapping、knocking、synchronized kneading and knocking massage method.

It is designed with two control modes for the upper body: automatic one and manual one.

Under manual modes, there are three options: overall massaging, fixed massaging and partial massaging. And under the fixed massaging state, the massage mechanism can be adjusted up and down in five speed; When pressing、flapping and knocking act separately, the width of the massage mechanism has three options: wide、middle and narrow.

The seat cushion is equipped with four air bags, the calf is equipped with twelve air bags and the foot is equipped with ten air bags. There are four massage modes and two intensities option available.

There are four mastoids which are set in both calf and foot position to act strengthened massage to the periphery area of the calf muscle、foot point and the reflecting area such as lung、heart、liver、gallbladder、kidney、duodenum、pancreas、head、shoulder、esophagus、eye、ear、thyroid gland and trachea.
This product is designed with heating massage function in the foot area which are used to make the temperature of partial organ rise up and promote the metabolism and activity of the cell to improve the effect of foot massage. Two part calf rests are set to be electrically rose up and down separately or together with the backrest.

When you turn on the controller, the position of the massage mechanism in the shoulder can be adjusted in five degrees and can be memorized. When the controller is under recover state, the massage mechanism will return back to the highest position of the backrest and stop massaging.
Special safety design- when the calf rest is moving down and touch remora such as children and pet, the declining part of the calf rest will separate automatically to efficiently protect the safety of life and wealth.
This product shows great in the humanistic 、luxurious and classic design and are comfortable to sit in.
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Additional information:

Model/Article number:A17B
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Furniture ->Luxury furniture


Zhejiang WTT Healthcare Equipment Co.,Ltd

Street:NO.6 Gaotian Road
Postal code:325000
Phone: +86 577 88113212
Fax: +86 577 88113212

Contact person

Name and Surname: Cathy Wu
Phone: +86 577 88113212
Mobile: +86 13587699969
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