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* Standard profile


*This company has only Standard profile.
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[Slovenia]Art prints

More than 300 diferent motifs of art prints in all avalible sizes. Contac us for send you a pricelist and samples.[...]


[Slovenia]Wood mouldings

More than 200 different wood mouldings for framing. Check our website and contact us for a pricelist.[...]


[Slovenia]Oil paintings on canvas

We proudlly present New Catalogs handmade oilpaintings with 4000 motifs. We offer a large range of paintings. Most of them are works by amateur painters (oil on canvas) measuring from 20 x 25cm to 180 x 200 cm. If you cannot find the oilpaint (or motif) you are looking for on our website ,please get in touch with us – chances are it is available in store. Great discount for wholesale buyers.[...]


[Slovenia]Wood frames

30 different wood frames availible in all sizes. (20x25cm up to 120x180cm) Check our website and take a tour in our online catalogue. Contact us for a price list.[...]
