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* Standard profile


*This company has only Standard profile.
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PH-U APK Andrzej Keller

[Poland]wood windows

The GALUX and GALUX ORO 88 mm is the ultimate answer for the growing heating-bills problem and noise outside our property. With the proper installation they are excellent for the energy-saving houses. The new generation windows – outstanding competion in energy-saving, durablility, elegance and profitable prices. Accessories: -envelope ferrules, open/half-open with microventilation and G-U CONCEPT unseen hinges -glass package 0,5 W/m2K or 1,0 W/m2k -wood: oak, african mahogany, meranti[...]


[Poland]Exterior doors

Designed and made with the ultimate care. The 88 mm profile, P4 class panes and high-class G-U locks in standard assure reliability and convenience in use. Patterns available from the catalogue or individual client design. Wood: oak, african magohany, meranti.[...]


[Poland]interior doors

Interior wood doors are produced with an eye to the most demanding clients, and to be sure the products fulfil their expectations we use the highest-quality meterials and modern pattern-design. There is also possibility to design Your own, unique pattern. Wood: oak, ash.[...]
