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* Standard profile

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Remont-Hungary Inc.

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: Brak danych
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 2003


Firm Rank: 0

In July 2003 we established a settlement in Békéscsaba, where our primary activity was steel trading. Then as of 01.08.2004 we started steel plate processing and production of steel constructions.

As of 01.01.2004 in the building industry we began to renew and rebuild houses and industrial buildings.

As of 01.01.2005 we took over the production and trading of the "Delta" type furnaces.

Our settlement in Miskolc is situated in a 1 km range from the M30 motorway, thus at a really good place transportation-wise. This is the logistic center of our company, serves as warehouse both for our steel trading activities and building department. Also provides parking place for our trucks that are not on an assignment.
Naturally the basic maintenance tasks are also completed here.

Address data

Street:Acél u. 17.
Postal code:H-3532
Phone: +36 46 505105
Fax: +36 46 412973


Contact person

Name and Surname: Ferenc Tóth
Phone: +36 46 505105
Mobile: +36 306061820