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Beijing Berly Resources Co.,Ltd

[China]carbon fiber(graphite) felt

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It is based on PAN/ rayon fiber, the manufacturing process is pre-oxide, needle-punched, Carbonization, graphitization. It's an excellent material used in high- temperature thermal insulation.

(1) PAN carbon fiber felt
Rayon carbon fiber felt

Area Density: 400~1350 g/m2
Carbon Content: 90~95%
Tensile strength: Warp: 8~14, Weft: 10~ 16

Thermal conductivity: <0.08 w/m. K
Ash contents: 0.765%, 0.402%
Thickness: 3/6/10/12 mm
Width: Max: 1200 mm
Length: Max: 15000 mm

(2) Graphite Felt
Area Density: 600~1800 g/m2
Carbon Content: 99-99.5%
Thermal conductivity: <0.08 w/m. K
Ash contents: 0.71%
Thickness: 3/6/10/12 mm
Width: Max: 1200 mm
Length: Max: 15000 mm

1. When temperature is above 400 centigrade, the product must be used in protective atmosphere or inert gas.
2. It can be cut free geometrical shape.

1. For thermal insulation: Vacuum resistance furnace, induction furnace, Sintering furnace, etc.
2. For electrical conductive: Porous electrodes, etc.
3. For heating materials: Carbon fiber crystal heating tube.
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Related products: Chemicals & Plastics ->Chemical products -> Industrial chemistry


Beijing Berly Resources Co.,Ltd

Postal code:100007
Phone: +86 10 83845966
Fax: +86 10 83845966

Contact person

Name and Surname: Remy Liu
Phone: +86 10 83845966
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