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* Standard profile

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Line Tech

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 5 - 10
Annual sales value: Euro 500.000 – 1.000.000
Established year: 1999


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Firm Rank: 0

To keep up with the daily changing and developing communication industry, you are requested to develop products that can meet various needs of users with diverse designs, functions and convenience.

Line-Tech is a technology-intensive company concentrating its energy on developing convenient and versatile communication products.


* Headsets &

Noise Canceling Headsets, H10N / H50N
Voice Tube Headsets, P10 / P50

* Amplifier *

Telephone Amplifier, A10
Telephone Lifter Amplifier, A20

* Etc. *
Auto Lifter LTL 10
Dial Pad Headset Telephone, LT10
Switching Box for Personal Computer (LMP-10)
Training Y Cord
Mute Switch

Address data

Street:158-6 Simgok 2 Dong, Wonmi Ku
City:Bucheon City
Postal code:420-322
Country:South Korea
Phone: +82 32 6135901
Fax: +82 32 6135903


Contact person

Name and Surname: K.C Cha
Phone: +82 32 6135901
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