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Lanpub Electronics CO., LTD.

[China]Dog repeller

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Ultrasonic Dog Repeller
This unit has been designed to release an ultrasonic wave that will transmit 20feet. The ultrasonic sound emitted by Dog Off Trainer gets dogs attention and stops them in their tracks. As a defensive measure against an attacking dog, when the attacking dog approaches, hold the repellent button down and aiming directly at it. The sound is irritating to dogs, but is completely safe, humane, and inaudible to humans. Dog Off Trainer can be handy for joggers, postal workers and meter readers.
● Flashlight
● Train your dog and correct its behavior
● Train your dog to stop barking
● drive crazy dogs away

(1) Dog Repellent Button
(2) Light Bulb
(3) Speaker
(4) Indicator Light
(5) Flashlight Button
(6) Switch for Auto. Bark Free

Unit Dimensions…………95cmX48cmX23cm
Unit Weight……………...95g(approx.)
Battery Type……………..two AAA batteries
Battery Duration…………4 months
Ultrasonic Output………..>130db

1. Automatically training your dog to stop barking
Dog Off Trainer uses a unique "Bark Pickup Sensor" to activate to the dog's continuous bark. To activate this function, just set the switch to "Auto Bark Free". In this mode, ultrasonic sound will turns on when barking starts and turns off when barking ends.In this feature, Indicator Light will flash every 3 seconds. And when it detects barking and
emits ultrasonic sound, the Indicator Light will be lightened continuously.
2. Manually training your dog to stop barking.Carefully press the Ultrasonic Dog Repellent Button to activate the unit when your dog barks. Release the Dog Repellent Button when barking ends.When the ultrasonic is emitted, the Indicator Light will be lightened.
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Related products: Home & Garden ->Animal products


Lanpub Electronics CO., LTD.

Postal code:215132
Phone: +86 512 69222899
Fax: +86 512 69223899

Contact person

Name and Surname: Sue Zhu
Phone: +86 512 69222899
Mobile: +86 13816866566
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