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* Standard profile


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Shijiazhuang Golden SimonChem Co.,Ltd.

[China]lactic acid and L-lactic acid

details specs,and pls see our website ID: It was used widely in food fresh keeping and food additives and pharma industrials,food grade (80%,85%,90%) and pharma grades (85%min 90%min)[...]


[China]Caustic soda in flakes and prill and solid

pls see our website ID: caustic soda flake 90%min 93%min 94%min 96%min 98%min 99%min and Pearl 98%min 99%min. and solid 96%min 99%min. we are very famous manufacturer in china,It was used widely in textile, printing and dyeing, porcelain enamel, pulping paper, synthetic detergent, pesticide, metallurgy, food, rubber.[...]


[China]monochloroacetic acid 97.5%min (MCAA)

pls see our website ID: It was widely used in dyestuff, medicament, pesticide industry and chromatic analysis reagent, and it was raw material of indigotin, epinephrine, carboxy mythel cellulose, food additive and detergent products purity was 97.5%min and 98%min[...]
