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(Amino Silicon Emulsions, Silicon Elastomer Emulsion)

Chemical Type Modified cross linking polysilioxane

Special Properties Modified cross linking polysilioxane

Special Properties SMH gives a soft and smooth handling, which provides
A perfect elasticity to fabric, resulting in an excellent
Dimensional stability. The product offers increased
Wrinkle recovery. Due to cross linking, SMH provides
A high degree of resistance of this effect to washing
And dry cleaning. SMH improves sew ability. It is
Resistant to sublimation and shows a very low tendency
Of usage even at high drying temperatures.

Compatibility SMH is compatible with cationic and nonionic products.

Stability SMH is resistant to acids, electrolytes and water
Hardness. It is not resistant to alkali. Residual alkali on
The material or alkaline plant water may cause
Premature cross linking of active ingredient.

The usage of Citisoft SMH may impair the crocking
Fastness of dyeing with disperses dyestuffs. In particular,
If the finishing is followed by a thermo fixation process.

Mode of action SMH forms while drying by three –dimensional cross-link, a soft and elastic film on the fiber affecting a comfort ability smooth and elastic handle. The sew ability of the fabric is greatly improve the smoothness.

Scope SMH is suitable for natural as well as synthetic fibers. Preferably, it is good in padding method but the effect can also be obtained by Exhaustion process. Excellent soft handle on all fibers, especially on PAN. Cotton, woven and knitted products are processed by exhaustion method and padding. Excellent results of softness & absorbency for terry towels & hosiery. In wet finished textile of any fiber are prone to crease and wrinkle, Crows feel and chafe marking soluble in water.
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Additional information:

Model/Article number:CITISOFT SMH
Place of origin:PAKISTAN
Price:Ask for price
Price Terms:SIGHT LC
Packing:120 KG DRUMS
Delivery time:45 days
Minimum order:1-FCL
Quality/Certifications:UPON REQUEST


Related products: Chemicals & Plastics ->Chemical products -> Household chemistry



Street:D-189-A-1/B, Near Masjid-E-Khalil, Haroonabad Industrial Area, Site,
Postal code:75700
Phone: +92 21 2044533
Fax: +92 21 2560840

Contact person

Name and Surname: Muhammad Ashraf Vohra
Phone: +92 21 32588169
Mobile: +92300 2385878
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