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Taiyuan Longchangfu Trading Co.,Ltd

[China]Magnesium nitrate

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Magnesium nitrate Mg(NO3)2.6H2O
Mg(NO3)2.6H2O ≥ 98.0%
Water insolubles ≤ 0.05%
Fe ≤ 0.001%
Heavy metal (Pd) ≤ 0.002%
PH value 5-8
MgO (Mg) ≥15%
Nitrogen(N) ≥ 10.7%
Packing: In 25kg PP/PE bag with black marks.

Physicochemical Properties:
It is monoclinic crystal. It is easily soluble in water, liquid ammonia and alcohol, deliquesce in the air, burn and explode when mixing with organics. It is used as dehydrant of making Nitrate, cineration and chemical experimentation etc.
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Price:Ask for price


Related products: Chemicals & Plastics ->Chemical products -> Industrial chemistry


Taiyuan Longchangfu Trading Co.,Ltd

Street:North street
Postal code:030009
Phone: +86 351 3035548

Contact person

Name and Surname: Fiona Chen
Phone: +86 351 3035548
Mobile: +86 13313418651
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