Hangzhou Junyuan Chemical Co.
Business type: |
Trading Company |
Business type: |
Exporter, |
Number of employees: |
Brak danych |
Annual sales value: |
Brak danych |
Established year: |
2004 |
Categories: |
Chemicals & Plastics |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
Junyuan Chemical Company is specialized in the field of intermediates, Pharmaceutical intermediates, and other Fine chemicals & Specialty chemicals.
With our good understanding with the Chinese manufacturers of intermediates, we have a strong ability in sourcing and developing various intermediates. We are also official export agent of several intermediates manufacturers in China. There is good and stable co-operation between our customers and us, therefore we’re confident to give good service at products we supplied, whatever in quality, delivery time, and after sale service etc.
Address data
Street: | Shanghai office: Room 601,No.9,1027lane hangtou road,hangtou town |
City: | Shanghai |
Postal code: | 201316 |
Country: | China |
Phone: | +86 21 58225840 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Michael Yu |
Phone: | +86 21 58225840 |