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* Standard profile

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Jomy s.a.

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter,
Number of employees: Brak danych
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1968

Security & Protection


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Firm Rank: 0

Our products are designed from our customer's experience. Jomy wants to be your preferred vendor for three safety applications: emergency egress from public or private buildings, access at heights, building façade maintenance. We provide an integrated approach from conception through development and engineering to production.

Address data

Street:rue Bourgogne, 20
Postal code:4452
Phone: +32 42 785512
Fax: +32 42 782675


Contact person

Name and Surname: Gabriel Julien
Phone: +32 42 785512
Mobile: +32 496165002
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