Business type: |
Trading Company |
Business type: |
Importer, Exporter, Local market |
Number of employees: |
5 - 10 |
Annual sales value: |
Brak danych |
Established year: |
2000 |
Categories: |
Construction Metalurgy |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
Act: import - export - service
,pellet - (straw), chemical, fertylizers, used building machines, ....
(sorbents - use to absorb oils,petrol,other chemical matters).
Food products and fruits - apples.
Air conditioning, ventilation, heat pumps, refrigeration, cold rooms,
solar panels - energy - (assembly)
Air-conditioners .heater pumps,
We are looking for responsible agents !!
We welcome your inquires on these or any other requirements you may have. Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Address data
Street: | Dąbrowa 124 |
City: | Nowy Sącz |
Postal code: | 33-311 |
Region: | Lesser Poland |
Country: | Poland |
Phone: | +48 79 1930123 |
Fax: | +48 18 4484060 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Małgorzata Basta |
Phone: | +48 18 4484060fax |
Mobile: | +48 793566804 |