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Xi'an Sino-Herb Bio-technology Co.Ltd

[China]Ursolic acid

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Ursolic acid
Synonyms: 3beta-Hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid
Botanical Name: Ligustrum lucidum Ait or Eriobotrya japonica(Thunb.)Lindl.
Appearance: Light yellow or white powder
CAS Registry number: 77-52-1
Molecular Formula: C30H48O3
Molecular Weight: 456.71
Specification:50% 90% by HPLC
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Related products: Food & Beverages ->Food Ingredients


Xi'an Sino-Herb Bio-technology Co.Ltd

Street:B1504 Van Metropolis #35 Tangyan Road
Postal code:710075
Phone: +86 029 88327523
Fax: +86 029 88330978

Contact person

Name and Surname: Daniel Yang
Phone: +86 029 88327523
Mobile: +86 13659190524
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