Exchange rates: 1 GBP = 1.13 EUR; 1 USD = 0.94 EUR [more...]
Language: deutsch english

* Standard profile


*This company has only Standard profile.
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Brand Impex

[Hungary]corn flakes

We are representative an Italien corn flakes company. We can offer You very good (Italien Quality)corn flakes. Other products are, bran stick, choco crunch, slim flakes, corn flakes,choco goal, rice crispies muesli and sugar flakes. If You are interested in this business please, do not hesitate write me. We can supply in bulk quantities, too. Also we would like to find distributor,too.[...]


[Hungary]oliva oil

We are the representative of an Italien Extra Virgin Oliva Oil Manufacturer, who has other different edible oils, but our main profil is the Extra Virgin Oliva Oil in 0. 5 l, 075 l, 1, 0 l, bolles and 2, 0 l in demijhons, 3, 0 l, 5, 0 l in cans. If You are interested in the Edible Oil business, please give me Your details, that I can to send You all, about our products. If You are interested in this business, please write me. We have also very good Turkish Sunflower and Greek Oliva oils. We[...]


[Hungary]semi trailer

Many thanks for Your interest. We are representative of a car trailer manufacturer. Our trailers are new, strong, easy and acid resistance. We produce all different kind of trailers, what the buyer wants. We can manufacturer all kind of semi trailers, we make its all form, all distance.[...]


[Hungary]rice cakes

We are representative of the one of the largest Polish Healty Food company. They are in the leaders position on the local rice market, in Poland. They produces are rice cakes, low fat snacks, wholegrain crisp bread, crisp fit,groats. We would like to find distributor for our products, too. If You are interested in the cooperation with us, please do not hessitate to write us.[...]


[Hungary]mineral water

We are the representative of an Armenian company in the marketing. This company produce very good water. We can offer You this high quality products. If You are interested in this business, please write me.[...]
