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* Standard profile


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Premium House Sp. z o.o.

[Poland]Ritter Sport

Its chocolate squares legendary, Ritter Sport has since 1912 cared with constancy for the very highest quality in its products. All are monitored carefully. For production of the best-tasting chocolate three different types of cocoa are used: two high-quality cocoas come from Africa, the third from Papua New Guinea. In order to provide a variety of delights, the chocolate is composed of as many as eight different chocolate fillings, all ground perfectly to match the various ingredients. Moreover,[...]


[Poland]Energy Drink Cocaine Stimulation

Cocaine Stimulation is a unique energy drink, certainly from the Premium product shelf. This is the only energy drink with doubled caffeine content, thanks to which the drink provides double the power and, what is more, the dextrose the can contains brings about a lightning effect on the body. The drink is especially recommended for those physically active, working at night, drivers and for everyone who needs an effective energy kick. Cocaine Stimulation – double the energy in a single can!! Cocaine[...]
