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Solcom & Hapn ELECTRIC Co., Ltd


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Product Specifications:
Description :HPS2S18/30…300/515 is a kind of flexible soft starter with multi-functions which can replace Y/△start and is suitable for most of occasions. All the control connection and adjustable parameters are fixed on the obverse panel, which makes it easy to install and adjust. Thus working status and fault can be indicated clearly on the panel. Furthermore, this soft starter can be conveniently altered, for example: additionally add current-controlled function and alternative selectable in-line and inside-delta connection is possible. It can keep running without bypass. Controlling relay is specially designed for bypass and fault. All the parameters are set through 3 knobs and a switch. It can even keep working under such occasions with vibration and higher temperature. When the soft starter is connect in-line, it can bear 1.73 times current as much as when it is inside-delta-connected. For example, an S type soft starter with rated current 58A can bear 100A motor when being in-line-connected.
1. easy to install, convenient to adjust
2. 2. flexible choices , selectable in-line or inside-delta connection
3. 3. reliable and stable
4. 4.status and fault indication through LED
Main voltage range:220-690 VAC
Main current range:18-300A , 300-515A
Control voltage:110-120 VAC , 220-240VAC
Time for soft start: 0-30 s
Time for soft stop:0-30 s
Initial voltage: 30-70%Ue ; 1.5-4Ie
Bypass: can run without bypass
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Additional information:

Model/Article number:SOFTSTARTER
Place of origin:China
Price:Ask for price
Delivery time:30 days


Related products: Electronics, electrical engineering ->Electrotechnics -> Electrical equipment


Solcom & Hapn ELECTRIC Co., Ltd

Postal code:201908
Phone: +86 21 51805663
Fax: +86 21 51805665

Contact person

Name and Surname: Яна Ли
Phone: +86 21 51805663
Mobile: +86 ICQ422631171najia
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