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Solcom & Hapn ELECTRIC Co., Ltd

[China]Softstarter HPMV-DN

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The HPMV is a third generation, Medium Voltage, digital soft starter, designed for use with standard asynchronous and synchronous motors. This highly sophisticated soft starter ensures smooth, step-less acceleration and deceleration, eliminating current and mechanical shocks on
motor and load.The HPMV may be supplied as chassis type or a complete system including Line and/or Bypass Contactors. Addible options are Load Break Switch, Fuses, Motor Protection Relay, etc
Advantages at a Glance :
● Innovative low voltage test mode - full testing with a small L.V motor using standard built in features
●Advanced Electronic Potential Transformer utilizing Patent Pending "wireless" fiber-optic firing system
●Each starter is tested for Partial Discharge (Korona) ensuring long term reliability
●Power factor capacitors can be connected directly to the upstream contactor
● Heavy duty design at 50℃ ambient temperature
●Reduced inrush current and mechanical shock
●Third generation microprocessor circuitry
●Soft, stepless acceleration & deceleration
●Unique starting & stopping characteristics
●Sophisticated motor protection package
●User friendly, easy setting and operation
●IP30-standard, higher protection by special order
●Two optional methods of delivery: Chassis type for self assembly or Complete system
●RS485 Communication with MODBUS, PROFIBUS protocols (others - upon request)
●Wide 45-65Hz Auto-tracking frequency range combining special software with unique hardware arrangement (designed for Marine, Offshore and Generators operating under continuous frequency variation)
●Torque and current starting and stopping characteristics.
●Pump control software.
Starting & Stopping :
● Soft start and soft stop
●Current limit
●Torque & Current Control ramps
●Pump Control characteristics
●Pulse (kick) start
●Tacho/encoder feedback (option)
●Dual Adjust - 2 start/stop characteristics for varying loads, two speed motors, etc.
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Additional information:

Model/Article number:HPMV-DN
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Electronics, electrical engineering ->Electrotechnics -> Electrical equipment


Solcom & Hapn ELECTRIC Co., Ltd

Postal code:201908
Phone: +86 21 51805663
Fax: +86 21 51805665

Contact person

Name and Surname: Яна Ли
Phone: +86 21 51805663
Mobile: +86 ICQ422631171najia
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