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* Standard profile

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Business type: Trading Company
Business type: Importer, Exporter, Local market
Number of employees: 501 - 1000
Annual sales value: Brak danych
Established year: 1994

Business services

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Firm Rank: 0

RosEvroBank compliments your respected company and invites to co-operation for the international market.

RosEvroBank works the long time on the international market and has more than 100 banker’s partners worldwide.

Thereof, RosEvroBank offers the favorable conditions for financing the international trade contracts.

In the field of trade finance and documentary operations RosEvroBank currently co-operates with more than 50 foreign banks. Establishment of trade finance limits by foreign banks allows RosEvroBank to broaden the services rendered to its corporate clientele and to support import transactions with letters of credit and guarantees. RosEvroBank is one of the leading medium-sized Russian banks in terms of providing trade finance.

RosEvroBank is actively involved in international trade finance business. Total volume of clean credit lines from foreign financial institutions eceeds USD 90 million (credit lines are granted by Commerzbank AG, Dresdner Bank AG, Agricultural Bank of China, UBS AG ect), besides we are working with 20-25 more banks on case-to-case basis. In terms of ECA covered deals we are in cooperation with SACE and Euler Hermes.

The advantage for the Exporter:
- the double guarantee under the payment the goods and equipment (from Rosevrobank, Moscow and the one of first-rate foreign bank)
- the payment from foreign bank directly
- the service of the transaction through a bank in your country
- the growth of sales of the goods and equipments

Offer Roseurobank to your partners in Russia!
The advantage for the Importer:
- the financing in EUR/USD will cost not more than 9% p.a.
- the period of financing is from 2 month to 5 years.
- the payments will be executed after shipment
- the operative service of Rosevrobank, Moscow
I hope having been of assistance to you and kindly ask you to contact me if you have any further questions and more information about Rosevrobank.
Sincerely Yours

Address data

Postal code:119991
Country:Russian Federation
Phone: +7 495 7771111
Fax: +7 495 9383119


Contact person

Name and Surname: Olga Scheglova
Phone: +7 495 9383117
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