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* Standard profile


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Sichuan Shifang Jinyou Chemical Co., Ltd


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Properties: White crystal, easily soluble in water, but not in organic solution; melting point at 117.3 °C , its water solution is strongly acidic, PH value of 1% solution is 1.89, It has got bad heat stability and easlily decomposed when heated.
Guaranteed Technical Specifications:
No Specifications Industrial Grade Feed Grade
1 Main contents(as H3PO4 .CO(NH2 )2 )min% 98.00 98.00
2 Phosphorus pentoxide(as P2O 5 )min% 44.00 44.00
3 Nitrogen(as N) min% 17.00 17.00
4 PH 1.6-2.0 1.6-2.0
5 Moisture max% 0.50 0.50
6 Heavy metals(as Pb) max% 0.001
7 Arsenic(as As) max% 0.0003
8 Fluoride(as F) max% 0.005
9 Water insoluble max% 0.10 0.10
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Additional information:

Place of origin:P.R.CHINA
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Chemicals & Plastics ->Chemical products -> Others


Sichuan Shifang Jinyou Chemical Co., Ltd

Street:Nan Quan
Postal code:618400
Phone: +86 838 8203756

Contact person

Name and Surname: Feng Li
Phone: +86 838 8203756
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