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Biuro Projektowania Systemów Cyfrowych SA

[Poland]Sales network management

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The system supports the management of factory or franchise outlet networks. All data gathered in the shop network is send online to the headquarters. It allows to adjust the offer to the customers’ de-mand and maintain the continuity of supplies as well. The captured data allows the central office to analyze the current sales rate and value in the whole shop network and to lead an effective store renewal policy. The interpretation of captured information enables an easy identification of shops gen-erating the highest sales rates, the best selling products and evaluating the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Thanks to the stored data it is easier to make key decisions. The system allows to extend and update about customers as well as promotional and marketing activities. it supports the loyalty programs, enables registering marketing survey forms and promotional actions.

Our long-standing experience in implementation of IT-projects in companies from diverse branches helped us to learn and understand perfectly their specific needs. We have developed complex busi-ness branch solutions in order to fulfill IT needs of numerous branches fully, such as among others: food, furniture, clothes, power, automotive, machinery, automobile and distribution industry as well as organizations representing science and education and health and care.

Preparing the business branch solutions, we have developed our own dedicated modules, as well as we have established cooperation with many partner companies offering special branch solutions. The Impuls BPSC package is ready to work with external devices such as for example: automatic identification devices, wireless networks, advanced scales systems, working time trackers and mobile devices.
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Related products: Computer Hardware & Software ->Software


Biuro Projektowania Systemów Cyfrowych SA

Street:Gałeczki 61
Postal code:41-506
Phone: +48 32 349 35 00
Fax: +48 32 349 36 01

Contact person

Name and Surname: Agnieszka Tendyra
Phone: +48 32 3493524
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