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Eurocompany YACHTMETAL more

Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Pleszew
Street: Sporna 11a
Phone: +48 62 742 00 68
Fax: +48 62 742 00 69
Firm Rank: star
logoYachtmetal company has been fouded in the year 1986 by Andrzej Parzysz together with his son Jacek they bulid steel sailing ship and motorboats. We have bulit such yachts as: Vilya - 15,5m, two yachts Antarktik - 15m, designed by Mr Juliusz Strawiński L12 - 12m designed by Mr Ryszard Langer. two mats yacht Bruceo designed Bruce Roberts. Motorboat Euro1200 - 12m also desingned by Mr Bruce Roberts. We are going towide the offer of our company by next motorboats: Euro1000- 10m, Euro1400 -14m. Yachts[...]

Eurocompany P.P.H.U. ULAR more

Country: Poland
Region: Lodz
City: Uniejów
Street: Zaborów 15
Phone: +48 63 2880063
Fax: +48 63 2880064
Firm Rank: star
logoWe have been operating on the Polish market since 3 August 1983, specialising in the production of spinning baits. We manufacture a wide range of spinners, spoon baits, jig heads, pilkers, bait baskets and other fishing tackle. Our offer is addressed to shops and fishing warehouses. Every year we increase our offer by designing and introducing new models of baits into the market. All spinning baits and tackle we make are tested in natural conditions before they are launched, which fully guarantees[...]

Eurocompany ET-Bilard Serwis more

Country: Poland
Region: Podlassia
City: Wasilkow
Street: Rzemieslnicza 1
Phone: +48 85 7186630
Fax: +48 85 7186630
Firm Rank: star
logoProfessional billiard table. Sale, transportation, assembly, service &.......![...]

Eurocompany WILMEX more

Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk
Street: Cyprysowa 24
Phone: +48 58 3026248
Fax: +48 58 3021116
Firm Rank: star

Eurocompany BEKABUD more

Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Gniezno
Street: Chudoby 16
Phone: +48 061 4265992
Fax: +48 061 4265992
Firm Rank: star

Eurocompany PPUH ARROW Aldona Niewitecka more

Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Poznań
Street: Anyżowa 17
Phone: +48 61 8220550
Fax: +48 61 8220550
Firm Rank: star

Eurocompany F.H.Viola more

Country: Poland
Region: Silesia
City: Imielin
Street: Pokoju 7
Phone: +48 032 2256559
Fax: +48 032 2256559
Firm Rank: star

Eurocompany P.W. MIZET Import - Export more

Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Kalisz
Street: Młynarska 53
Phone: +48 62 7668724
Fax: +48 62 7666838
Firm Rank: star