CAK infrastructures
Business type: |
Services |
Business type: |
Exporter, |
Number of employees: |
5 - 10 |
Annual sales value: |
Euro 500.000 – 1.000.000 |
Established year: |
2005 |
Categories: |
Environment |
Contact: |
Firm Rank: 0
C.A.K. Infrastructures
C.A.K. Infrastructures is one of the leading firms in Kerala dealing in water and waste water management. The company is led by a dynamic group of entrepreneurs consisting of technocrats, businessmen and managers with an impeccable track record. Team C.A.K. consists of onsite engineers, servicing staff, design engineers, civil engineers etc., who travel widely attending to customer needs or to carry out commissioning of treatment plants.
C.A.K. Infrastructures designs and sets up waste water treatment plants and also upgrade existing treatment facilities. The company offers consultancy services to its valued customers. As a part of the consultancy service, we carry out preliminary studies and surveys, get to know the client's requirements, problems, constraints etc and based on this data we draw our conclusions and provide a better service to our clients.
Address data
Street: | 2nd Floor, CD Tower, Ariyedathu Mini Byepass Road |
City: | Calicut |
Postal code: | 673004 |
Country: | India |
Phone: | +91 495 2722799 |
Fax: | +91 495 2722799 |
Contact person |
Name and Surname: | Randhir Das R |
Phone: | +91 495 2722799 |
Mobile: | +91 9846458613 |