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* Standard profile

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Radulov EOOD

Business type: Manufacturer
Business type: Exporter,
Number of employees: 51 - 100
Annual sales value: Euro 500.000 – 1.000.000
Established year: 1992

Food & Beverages

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Firm Rank: 0

The brand recognition is assured by the membership in Bulgarian Soft Drink Association, International Trade Leaders' Club and the awards from the events in Beirut, Geneva, Paris and Sofia.

Our factory was established in 1992 in the country Bulgaria (Euro Union) we produce Soft drinks, non carbonated, punches in different flavors, energy drinks, purified water, ice tea
The factory has modern equipment of leading European countries
produce a mark with the name and label what you need.

Address data

Street:15 Industrial
City:Stara Zagora
Postal code:6000
Phone: +359 42 603219


Contact person

Name and Surname: Rumen Rusanov
Phone: +359 42 603219
Mobile: +359 888915522
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